
Honey is a thick golden liquid that bees make from the nectar of flowering plants. The bees produce the honey through a process of collecting nectar and then regurgitating the nectar. Then water evaporates from the nectar to produce the material we consume and know as honey. Bees perform the vital service of pollinating fruits, legumes, vegetables, and other types of food-producing plants in the course of their business of honey production.

Buying and consuming locally produced honey comes with a whole host of benefits, see below to find out more!


Raw honey has been used throughout history and has a variety of health benefits and medical uses...

  • A good source of antioxidants
  • Antibacterial and antifungal properties
  • Heal wounds
  • Phytonutrient powerhouse
  • Help for digestive issues
  • Soothe a sore throat
  • A healthier alternative to the high fructose corn syrup in lots of sweets and processed foods

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Choosing to shop with your local businesses instead of the larger chain stores has many benefits...

  • Help to boost your local economy - Research shows that £10 spent with a local independent shop means up to an additional £50 goes back into the local economy
  • Creates local jobs - Small, local businesses are surprisingly the largest employer of jobs nationally and provide the most local jobs to communities

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Save the bees! Bees play an important role in the life cycle of most plants and flowers...

  • Without bees, many plants would have no way to reproduce and die out.
  • Bees are responsible for pollinating nearly 85% of all food crops for humans, as well as numerous crops that grow the food fed to cattle.
  • There has been research conducted that predicts environmental collapse should the honeybee no longer exist

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